We had kept the best until last, or at least that is what we thought based on the guide books and notoriety. We headed to the famed Taormina, home of stunning sites, views and celebrities.

Much of the route from Palermo was impressive motorway - I
have never seen so many tunnels and bridges - forcing a course through the
mountainous north coast of Sicily. While cutting the journey time for several
hours and clearly sucking up a lot of subsidised funds from the mainland (these
roads must have cost hundreds of millions), they did unfortunately hide much of
the view.
We made up for this somewhat by stopping off at the
beautiful little city of Cefalù. Situated
in a sheltered bay beneath towering hills, it is a place of beautiful old
buildings and steep streets dropping down to a harbour of aquamarine.
The cathedral is another Norman beauty and all the better for still having much
of the original interior intact. We had an amazing lunch in the square beneath
it, devouring pizza in the sunshine.

In case you do not know, granite is a Sicilian speciality of ice and flavour, usually lemon, but in this granite specialist café every flavour you can imagine. It is refreshing, sets your taste buds buzzing and is a perfect antidote to a long day walking in the sun. Another produce of Sicily’s complicated past, supposedly emanating from the Arabs who once ruled the island.
We took a day to drive up its slopes, leaving behind
vineyards and forests, to the treeline and beyond. There we found old volcanic
craters to explore. With wind buffeting us and the kids half laughing, half
grimacing, we ventured into one of them, rubbing our hands in the dark black
volcanic dust at its base. I have never been anywhere that so resembled the

To cut a long story short, this was my biggest (and perhaps only) disappointment in Sicily. It is not that I did not like it, I did, but it fell short of the high expectations set by its renown and, indeed, other sites and cities we had seen in Sicily.
To cut a long story short, this was my biggest (and perhaps only) disappointment in Sicily. It is not that I did not like it, I did, but it fell short of the high expectations set by its renown and, indeed, other sites and cities we had seen in Sicily.
Taormina’s setting is undeniably impressive. Set high up on
ragged hill, jutting out into the sea, with the mighty Mount Etna for a
backdrop. Its streets are attractive and its ancient theatre is large and well preserved, framing the mighty volcano perfectly (the classic photo of the island). It was great to scramble up the dodgy
paths to the peaks above the city, enter the small shrines and look down upon
the brilliant combination of nature and nurture that the city entails.

The place though lacks charm. It is as if the sheer level of
tourism, both of the jet-set and tour bus variety in equal measures, has sucked
the life out of the place. Very little is real or local. I am glad I have seen
it, but can take or leave it in future.

In three days we did find one clear exception that I
can't fail to mention. On a twisting backstreet down from the main
thoroughfare is the best granita I have ever tasted. In case you do not know, granite is a Sicilian speciality of ice and flavour, usually lemon, but in this granite specialist café every flavour you can imagine. It is refreshing, sets your taste buds buzzing and is a perfect antidote to a long day walking in the sun. Another produce of Sicily’s complicated past, supposedly emanating from the Arabs who once ruled the island.
Etna was most certainly not a disappointment. It is
just ginormous and, silly as it may sound, so perfectly volcano shaped. It
dominates the East of the island, simultaneously drawing you in and

Etna is still decidedly active. Small eruptions are frequent, larger ones blow every few years and then, infrequently, it really goes, wreaking havoc in its wake. The lower craters we explored dated from violent
eruptions in 2002-3, which knocked out much of the ski-station area.
To my middle child’s particular dismay, high winds had stopped the cable car. Not wanting to give up, we managed to get a ticket for the
off-road upwards adventure and were soon sat on a many wheeled monster of a
vehicle powering up the volcano on twisting dust tracks. It took quite a lot of
strength to hold the kids to our laps and stop them smashing into the windows.

We were soon at the snowline, but, as the weather closed and
the truck steamed up, we could see less and less. Every so often we would get a
glimpse of a dead drop through the swirling clouds, before the truck powered around another corner, jerking back and forth. Onwards and upwards.

By the time we arrived at the intermediate base (2500 m), we were in a snow cloud with even
higher winds. Instead of the usual walk around, we were ushered into the
shelter with some urgency (and I dare say a little panic) by the mountain
guides, being pushed sideways by the swirling, buffeting winds. The conditions
had turned heavily against us and, after having to wait for some time in the
shelter pouring over tacky gifts, we were relieved to squeeze past a tour group
and get back on a truck heading down the volcano and out of the turbulence.

It was a bit of an adrenaline rush, adding some fizz to the end of our vacation. We decompressed on a relaxed drive back to Taormina, clockwise around the verdant lower slopes of Etna.
On our final day, we had just enough time to stop off in
Sicily's second largest city, Catania, before flying home. It is living proof of the
power of Etna, lying in its shade with scars of its fury. In 1669 much of the city was destroyed by
horrifically violent eruptions. Volcanic dust and flame covered the city and a
river of lava smashed right through it.
Much of the centre was rebuild with ambition, using distinctive black and white stones and in the
baroque style. We parked up in the centre and enjoyed a walk around the
grand squares, around its smelly fish market and through its backstreets to its towering thirteenth century castle, Castello Ursino. While the castle was interesting in and out, it was outshone by rock
at its base. Here were the remains of the lave flow form 1669, still winding their way around this
massive building.
A final word for the people of Sicily. They were warm,
welcoming and friendly throughout. None more so than a father and daughter we met at the last in their small café off Catania’s central square. For our final minutes,
they chatted, played with our kids and served us some great food.

In short conclusion, we found Sicily remarkable. It combines stunning
nature, history, architecture, people, food and culture. I could not recommend
it more highly. In fact it is one of my favourite places on earth. No exaggeration.
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