I view the experience from two totally separate angles, which I have to explain individually.
On the one hand..... I see it as a building, a source of history, intrigue and political mirror. At a fundamental level, the site of a number of churches/shrines built over what is believed to be at one end Golgotha, the site of the crucifixion, and at the other the place of the Resurrection - the holiest shrine to over a quarter of the world's populace. The current structure has evolved from the magnificent crusader cathedral dating back to the 11th century and I understand to be arguably the first ever Gothic building. Quite magnificent. This is though overrun and overtaken by the partitioning politics of the last millennia.
In some ways unbelievably, in others very tellingly, the place is literally split stone by stone, wall by wall between on the one hand Roman Catholics, on the other Greek Orthodox (who hold Golgotha and the tomb), Syrian Coptic, Egyptian Coptic, Russian Orthodox.... in fact my understanding is that of the main denominations only protestantism has not grabbed a flagstone (intriguing as the British were overseers of Jerusalem for quite a few years). So you have the absurdity of the most important world site for billions marred by centuries old battles for space. The rule seems to be - if you clean it, you own it. So beside magnificent shrines you have crumbling rocks. A shocking example is that of the 'temporary' walls installed due to earthquake damage. Important structurally, but what began as a short-term solution has now permanently removed the beauty of the spacious heart of the cathedral as the Greek Orthodox cleaned it, mosaiced it and hence claim it. A bit of a hostile take-over if you like. There is little place for dispute resolution in a place with less information or guidance than a village church. Overall fascinating but a shame on Christianity.
On the other hand....a distinctly spiritual experience. It is fashionable to go to a far away temple and "find yourself", but not to have such experience in a church of all places. What absurd hypocrisy on the face of society. To enter the tiny golden laid tomb of Jesus put a tear in my eye. What ever you believe in, if having the privilege to enter a place of such significance to so many does not send a shiver down the back of your spine then you are certainly not me. Something I will never forget.
So on I wondered around those little winding streets with their smells, colours and culture. With its history, sanctity, conflict, beauty, life and death, Jerusalem is a place unlike any other I have experienced. On the one hand a place that can teach the world so much and on the other one that so clearly needs to learn.
I packed a day-pack and headed to Masada.
Taking the bus down, round and through some very poor Arab areas, into the increasing desert, past the Dead Sea and to a place I have wanted to visit since I can remember. A huge rock that juts out from the edge of the Dead Sea heralding the start of the Judean desert. Cliffs for all sides and flat on top, a natural fortress, developed as such by Herod in circa 50BC (apologise for any inaccuracies as this is all off my head). Magnificent as it is, one event cemented its place in
history. In the second Jewish revolt against the Romans (circa AD 72) this was the last stronghold against the Roman backlash. The defenders seemingly untouchable, the Romans simply built a huge ramp up a 4oom cliff-face. SIMPLY???? - only in the sense of simply amazing. Such a show of human ingenuity and bloody-mindedness led to the remaining holdouts taking their lives - man, woman and child. A tragic, startling place.

Taking the bus down, round and through some very poor Arab areas, into the increasing desert, past the Dead Sea and to a place I have wanted to visit since I can remember. A huge rock that juts out from the edge of the Dead Sea heralding the start of the Judean desert. Cliffs for all sides and flat on top, a natural fortress, developed as such by Herod in circa 50BC (apologise for any inaccuracies as this is all off my head). Magnificent as it is, one event cemented its place in

Jumping off the bus and climbing the rock was fantastic. The views breathtaking. Such a break from the sterile office to suddenly be standing on top an ancient fortress staring into the barren wilderness.
As it happened I had the good fortune to bump into a cool French dude - Nicolas - on the way down. At present, the average tourist in Israel is American, 19, on 'Birthright' (Zionist American organisation that ships over young American Jews to see the country that is their 'birthright' so they can go home and pay cheques in the future - not a quote from my head, but the view of most people I met who came off it), certainly Jewish and NOT independent.
So here we were, a ros-bif and a frog wandering down (via a bus) to the Dead Sea for the standard jovial float on the famous waters and a couple of bevvies. A really cool experience. I didn't quite manage the Obelix scim, but you float like a tennis ball and, as mad as it sounds, the sea tastes more salty then salt - you have to stick your tongue in to understand.
A word of advise. Trekking can cause chaffing. A minor affliction which does not go happily with the Dead Sea. Agony. Be warned.
Ah.... that is interesting, he would love to pop over to Jordon to see the famed Petra, I really want to take a dive in the Red Sea, the easiest way to get across to Jordon is via Eilat on the Red Sea, oh I would love to go to Petra too - deal - I'll meet you tomorrow evening in some random hostel in Eilat - only a few 100kms south, the other side of a bloody big desert - we'll have a few beers and take a morning stroll to Jordon - sweet.
And thus the plan was born - Jordon - PETRA.
A quick mention to the cool American couple I met originally in Jerusalem, then again right here - I promised I would blog their picture and finally I have.

I can't quell my enthusiasm for a little bit of random adventure and thus it was as we crossed into Jordon and slowly bargained a guy to a half reasonable price to drive us 100's of kms north to the renowned ancient site and all the way back again in a day. Up and over the snow-touched desert hills. Such harsh beauty. A couple of interesting stops, some Arab tea and eventually we made it to Petra. I shall keep this short as you can read about it in a million places.... but it comes goddamn recommended.

After most of the day at Petra we had to leg it back (stopping of course for a quick snow fight - efffing freezing) to just squeeze into Israel before the border closed.

What a day! Before I knew it, after a couple of celebratories and a discussion with an ex-South African soldier now domiciled in Israel who has some major issues (really the fucked up side of things - not the nice side of Israel), I had embarked at sparrow's fart on one heck of a silly journey. Just about resisting Dimam and Nicolas's offer to come to Egypt I jumped on the bus to Jerusalem (half of Israel in between) picked up my bag (I was starting to smell after four days with a day-pack) ran across town, out and through the Arab quarter, into the first taxi and up to the Mount of Olives to breath it all in one last time. Mad dash to the bus station, on to Tel Aviv, payphone call to Orit (awesome gal me and the boys shared a flat with in Barreloche, Argentina last year), got picked up and driven all the way to Haifa at the top of the country. To be specific to Sarit's house (the other equally cool flatmate from Patagonia) where I was welcomed by her and her family with touching hospitality.
So, having covered just about the entire length of Israel in a day, it must be time for bed....NO...and a good thing to. A quick look at the home of the Bahai faith and off into the middle of nowhere for an all night Kibbutz party. So much fun. Israel is one of those places where people seem to grab hold of life when they have it, at least when it comes to the youth. Convening goodness knows where to dance the night through in quite some style with a thousand others. As I collapsed into bed rather tipsy I thought...."I must return"....

Wondering those special hills on my final morning I tried to make some sense of what I had seen over the past 11 days. One thing for sure - this land had grabbed me like so many others and I did not want to let go. A sense of waste, utter waste that man should fight so bitterly over such a gift. A feeling of sorrow for those on all sides who showed their pain, loss and at times anger. And just a drip of hope from those who had expressed such to me.
Even the 'very' thorough search at the airport (never ask a pretty Israeli customs officer what she is looking for with her little tester when you have a Jordanian stamp in your passport - she will not smile prettily back) could in no way mar but only add yet another shade of colour to the incomparable experience that Israel offers to those who are allowed and take the opportunity to experience it.
Like no other place I have seen. So touching...beautiful...torn.
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