I have finally finished off the Burma section and for those interested in politics or the situation that that country and its people face it may be worth flicking back as their fate is something worth shouting about (click on MAY 2006 in right hand column).
As I fly to South East Asia in just 2 days it felt appropriate to get my blog up to date before leaving the fascinating sub-continent. Oh and mind any typos as it 40 degrees here which means a lot w/o air-con in sight.
So there are now a more respectable 10,000 words getting my blog up-to-date since my departure to Burma 2 and a bit months ago and I shall depart for a final chill out around that most holy lake of Brahma safe in the knowledge that the above picture is from google. Then off to Delhi and Thailand via an interesting quick stop in Bangladesh. Just have to think of a new heading for the blog.... hmmmmm...
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