Pulling into Brussels Midi as 2009 rapidly approached I was not sure what to expect, if much at all.
Just the mention of certain cities conjures up emotion, instinctive recognition and an excited sense of anticipation. Just think of Tokyo, Rome, Jerusalem or New York. Images spark into your mind. If you’ve been there, the senses bristle with remembrance. On hearing “Brussels”, I have to admit my mind just goes drip.
Such thoughts were soon forgotten on meeting the Swede (Felix) and his lovely wife Fumie – my hosts. A slightly odd, but pleasant night ensued chatting to various EU secondment ex-pats about our similarities (everyone finds the French arrogant and annoying) and differences (my word north and eastern Europeans drink more than the rest).

Brussels seems a strange and understated place, but I liked it. The pity is – like most ex-pats I spoke to – apart from sampling food and drink I did not gain much of an impression of who or what the local culture is. I mean, I barely remember meeting or noticing a Belgian. Perhaps this is the root of the cities unremarkable reputation. In the cities that grab hold of you, it is the locals that are the draw - who can ignore Parisian attitude or Capetonian brashness. Not here. Or perhaps I just did not look hard enough.
[Those with an eye for detail may have noted the famous Belgian sense of humour in the waffle picture above...oh dear]